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Alkaline Mineral Water
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Alkaline Water

Alkaline mineral water is able to generate hydrogen when various mineral ingredients are mixed and dissolved in water. Mineral alkaline reduced water has a negative value for oxidation reduction potential (ORP). The smaller the negative value for ORP, the better the functionality. This means that it is particularly effective in the reduction of harmful active oxygen.

Professor H.W Kim of Yonsei University has done a lot of research on mineral alkaline reduced water. His research has shown various positive effects in regards to the existence of hexagonal water, including anti-cancerous effects and immune system strengthening ability. (Refer to Water of Life). According to the results of many researchers, in summary, the following effects of mineral alkaline reduced water can be.


  • Turns the acidic blood condition of the body to alkaline state.

  • Removes & eliminates lactic acid build up in muscles and cell tissue

  • Effective for regulation of bowel movement.

  • Reduces acidic wastes in the blood.

  • Reduces fat content in the body.

  • Promotes blood circulation.



Slightly alkaline pH7.4~pH 8.2, contains the restorative force to reduce active oxygen. Active oxygen is the source for so many diseases and has a vast influence on aging. If simply drinking water removes active oxygen, there can be no better medication!
Improves the immune system. It was observed that interferon, interleukin and other bodily fluids, which are indicator substances for the immune system all increased with the consumption of mineral alkaline water.
Has an anti-cancerous effect and prevents the spread of cancerous cells.

This theory was vindicated by experiments using rats (Due to common cell tissues to humans). Rats were injected with skin cancer cells and when fed with alkaline water the spread of the cancer cells was significantly lower than the rats were fed with normal water.
Homeostasis effect and removing active oxygen.
It was reported that rats injected with cancer cells showed excessive amounts of active oxygen. It was discovered that the group that was fed with alkaline water had their amount of active oxygen greatly reduced. Good water is water with abundant hydrogen.


Organic and Inorganic Minerals

In nature, there exist inorganic and organic minerals. The term “inorganic minerals” refers to minerals dissolved in nature. The term “organic minerals” refers to the minerals that had been absorbed by plants or animals and combined with other inorganic minerals. Certain Inorganic minerals can be very harmful to human body. However, organic minerals are not harmful, because they were generated through chemical reactions with other inorganic minerals in a living body.

Role of Minerals in Our Body

Minerals are extremely small elements that are absolutely necessary for vitality of life. Minerals play an important role in maximising the functionality of the enzymes in every stage of the body’s metabolism. Every enzyme needs different minerals.
If minerals are deficient, the catalyst reaction of the enzymes slows down and the metabolism process undergoes seriously adverse effects. The DNA polymerases that synthesize the DNA use Mg++ as the cofactor. The absence of Mg++ affects DNA synthesis adversely.
Calcium is an important element for bone formation, and although they are only needed in extremely small quantities, various minerals such as copper, zinc, cobalt, lithium, boron, selenium, germanium and others are required.
Many of these essential minerals were thought to be harmful to human health in case until not so long ago. However, these metals, in extremely small quantities, are vitally necessary for the body’s metabolism and the maintenance of good health.


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